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Salvador Group|Visas

Nomad Visa Made Easy: Experience Spain with Salvador Tax & Legal

By 12/02/2023No Comments



       As remote work becomes increasingly popular, more and more people are considering the possibility of relocating to different countries while maintaining their employment status. In Spain, the nomad visa is an option for foreign workers who want to work remotely while enjoying the Spanish lifestyle. Here’s what you need to know about the requirements for obtaining this visa:

For Employees:


    • Company activity: Proof of actual and continuous activity for at least one year by the foreign company or group of companies where the employee maintains a labor or professional relationship.

    • 3 months relationship: Accreditation of a minimum employment/professional relationship of three months at the time of the application with the foreign company/companies with which they maintain this relationship. This can be done with the last three months payslips.

    • Letter from the company: A formal letter authorizing remote work from Spain by the individual employed for the foreign company. This letter serves as official documentation of the job profile, salary, and terms and conditions under which the professional activity will be performed remotely.

    • Qualifications: Copy of the qualification related to the performance of the position or, if not applicable, a minimum of three years’ substitute experience of those performing similar functions to the position being sought. The CV could be enough if no title or qualification is needed.

    • Certificate of Social Security Coverage in the UK: The A1 certificate proves that the holder is covered by the social security system of their home country and is eligible for healthcare services in other EU countries without having to pay additional costs.

    • Criminal records: Certificate of the current criminal record from the country or countries where the person has resided for the last two years. Additionally, a responsible statement certifying the absence of criminal records for the past five years will be submitted (we will prepare).

    • Private insurance medical policy: A private insurance medical policy covering at least one year that provides comprehensive coverage for medical and health-related expenses. The policy should be obtained from a reputable and reliable insurance company authorized to operate in Spain. Proof of a minimum income of 26,000€ for the first applicant and 10,000€ for the second is also required, which can be demonstrated through a letter/contract with the employer or bank statements.

For Self-Employed Individuals:


    • Company activity: Proof of actual and continuous activity for at least one year by the foreign company or group of companies where the individual maintains a labor or professional relationship.

    • 3 months relationship: Accreditation of a minimum professional relationship of three months at the time of the application with the foreign company/companies with which they maintain this relationship. This can be done with the last three months’ invoices.

    • Letter from the company: A formal letter authorizing remote work from Spain by the individual self-employed for the foreign company. This letter serves as official documentation of the job profile, salary, and terms and conditions under which the professional activity will be performed remotely.

    • Qualifications: Copy of the qualification related to the performance of the position or, if not applicable, a minimum of three years’ substitute experience of those performing similar functions to the position being sought. The CV could be enough if no title or qualification is needed.

    • Certificate of Social Security Coverage in the UK.

    • Criminal records: Certificate of the current criminal record from the country or countries where the person has resided for the last two years.

    • Private insurance medical policy: A private insurance medical policy covering at least one year that provides comprehensive coverage for medical and health-related expenses. The policy should be obtained from a reputable and reliable

Salvador Tax & Legal is a leading company that provides a comprehensive range of services to assist individuals in obtaining a nomad visa for remote work in Spain. Our team of experienced professionals can help guide you through the application process and ensure that you meet all the necessary requirements for a successful application. We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service and personalized support to our clients. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you obtain your nomad visa

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