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By 04/10/20232 Comments

Are you a UK national who has been residing in Spain for over 5 years? If you’ve established legal residency in Spain, whether through a green card or a TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero), you have the opportunity to apply for permanent residence.

Understanding Article 15 of the Withdrawal Agreement: Right of Permanent Residence:

Article 15 of the withdrawal agreement stipulates that Union citizens and United Kingdom nationals, along with their family members, who have lawfully resided in Spain continuously for 5 years, have the right to reside permanently in the country. It’s essential to note that periods of legal residence or work before and after the end of the transition period will be included in the calculation of the qualifying period necessary for acquiring permanent residence (Article 16).

Transitioning from Temporary TIE to Permanent Residence

A significant distinction between holding a temporary TIE and gaining permanent residence lies in the flexibility regarding travel. While TIE holders cannot be absent from Spain for more than 6 months consecutively, permanent residents can stay outside the country for a maximum of 5 years without losing their status. This flexibility provides a sense of security and freedom for UK nationals contemplating travel or international commitments.

Applying for Permanent Residence: Act Now!

A common misconception is that one must wait until the 5-year TIE expiration period to apply for permanent residence. However, this is not accurate. If you previously held a green card, the years spent under that status count towards the 5-year requirement for permanent residence. For example, if you possessed a green card in 2018 and exchanged it for a TIE in 2021, you’ve already lived in Spain for more than 5 years, making you eligible to apply for permanent residence immediately.

Don’t hesitate to explore your options and secure your future in Spain. APPLY TODAY


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